Monday, July 7, 2008

Into the Wilderness

Deuteronomy 2:1~Then we turned and journeyed into the wilderness...

As Moses is recounting to the 2nd generation about their ordeal, he shares now about the wilderness experience they have had. When we look at the wilderness in Scripture it usually looks like a time of testing. It was a time of testing for Noah, building the Ark as well as being on the Ark for a long period of time. It was a time of testing for Hagar who fled from Sarai, it was a time of growth for David and a time of trust. It was also a time of faith for Elijah. More than all these wilderness experiences in Scripture we can not overlook Jesus who was in the wilderness for 40 days without food or water and was tempted by the Devil.

We all go through a wilderness time, some is by choice and other times it can be thrusted upon us. Sometimes it may be a drought of finances and not water, it may be a time of death that surrounds you, it may be a time of discomfort, it may be a time of hurt, and it may be a time of repeating faults. Either way our wilderness journey should be one where we grow. James 1:2 tells us to have joy of trials.

Temptation comes in our wilderness, our guard will be down and Satan will try to attack. We need to be ready. Have you been through a recent wilderness experience? Was it tough? How did God lead you through it? These are questions that I need to ask myself, because God is so faithful. As he led Israel by fire and cloud, he leads us today. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He has been faithful my whole entire life. He is faithful to his children. I am praying for you guys.


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Important info:

  • Mark your calendars for the Winter Retreat. The dates are March 13th through the 16th. In a few weeks I will be handing out the requests.

Prayer Request

  • If you have any prayer request please let me know
  • Pray for Liz of Wednesday night.
  • Pray for Liz's grandma who had a heart attack a few weeks ago.
  • Please keep Angela's father in your prayers
  • Pray for Alex to find a job.
  • Please continue to pray for my wife and the baby.